Resolution vs. Revolution
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Resolution versus Revolution. Why New Year’s resolutions fail.

For many of us Christmas is all too often anything but merry. If you fail to look ahead and realistically manage your expectations, Christmas cheer can become Christmas tears in a heartbeat.

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When Christmas cheer turns to Christmas tears

For many of us Christmas is all too often anything but merry. If you fail to look ahead and realistically manage your expectations, Christmas cheer can become Christmas tears in a heartbeat.

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4 min read
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Criticism of Naomi Osaka is way out of bounds

Anyone who has experienced the Long Harsh Personal Winter of Depression would not for one moment doubt the veracity of Naomi Osaka’s admission that she is suffering with depression.

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Without self-preservation you’re dead in the water

Knowing something intellectually is not enough.

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2 min read
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You can’t be healthy without healthy boundaries

Without boundaries there isn’t even a you.

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3 min read
Managing your emotional investments

What am I worth? The question has nothing to do with your bank balance, what you drive or how many toys you have.

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14 min read
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Introduction to therapy at the speed of sight

To keep our children safe from disease we teach them basic hygiene. When it comes to psychological hygiene we teach them nothing.

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12 min read
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Burnout is a wildfire

According to at least two new independent reports an alarming and rapidly increasing number of Australians are planning to change jobs.

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Spiral into control

One metaphor to rule them all. The Unifying Spiral is precisely what it sounds like.

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5 min read
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Feel it to heal it

Understanding and managing emotions is a challenge of the ages.

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4 min read
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