Anxiety is debilitating and makes other mental health problems worse

Constant anxiety is exhausting. What’s more, it aggravates and intensifies other serious psychological problems like PTSD and even more notably, depression.

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Coping strategies are the key to anxiety

We all worry but when our worries balloon into constant all-consuming anxiety, we are faced with a serious debilitating psychological problem.

By far the most concerning aspect of anxiety is its propensity to escalate. It literally feeds itself in a terrible self-stoking cycle to become a terrifying inescapable revolving storm, a paralyzing all-consuming cyclone in the mind.

Anxiety fuels depression. Depression amplifies anxiety. Anxiety and depression are often called “the terrible twins”. It’s a marriage made in hell. Metaphorical Therapy gives you practical proven strategies that can help you cope, break the cycle and avoid other serious mental health problems.

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A discussion on the problem of over-prescription. Overblown or Overdue?

Over-prescription, a widespread issue in the healthcare industry, refers to the excessive use of medications by healthcare providers. This practice not only leads to unnecessary costs but also poses serious risks to patients’ health.

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4 min read
Cognitive Distortions. Seeing things as they are not.

Cognitive Distortions are irrational thoughts and perceptions that influence our emotions. We all experience cognitive distortions at some time or another and, while this is perfectly normal, in their more extreme forms these distortions can be extremely harmful. Here is a quick overview of common forms of cognitive distortion viewed through the revealing lens of visual metaphor.

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3 min read
No winners in war just Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for all

People invest a lot of emotion in holding on to their beliefs. And they have a tendency to defend those beliefs very fiercely indeed. Sadly, the first casualties in a confrontation are all too often facts and logic.  In fact, they frequently become quite irrelevant. When someone wishes to impress upon you the righteousness of their opinion; passion and volume are often their first weapons of choice.

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7 min read

How do you feel?

In crisis

I am struggling to hold things together.


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I worry about everything all the time.


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I have been sad and miserable for a long time.


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I continue to use even though I know it is bad for me.

In pain

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I am constantly in pain. It seems to go on and on and it never stops.
Preventing mental illness
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