As metaphors are used so frequently and thrown around so ubiquitously, there is an unfortunate tendency for us to think of them as artistic frippery. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
Anyone who has experienced the Long Harsh Personal Winter of Depression would not for one moment doubt the veracity of Naomi Osaka’s admission that she is suffering with depression.
The wallpaper stayed. Gallows humour is a basic human instinct.
So how long have I got Doc?
Without boundaries there isn’t even a you.
What am I worth? The question has nothing to do with your bank balance, what you drive or how many toys you have.
To keep our children safe from disease we teach them basic hygiene. When it comes to psychological hygiene we teach them nothing.
According to at least two new independent reports an alarming and rapidly increasing number of Australians are planning to change jobs.
One metaphor to rule them all. The Unifying Spiral is precisely what it sounds like.
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