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Cowboys still don’t cry

Movember is the perfect time to talk about the stigma that continues to haunt mental illness among men. What, you may ask, is the connection between men’s mental health, cowboys, and moustaches? The answer is, as it turns out, a lot more than you think.

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4 min read
How to Ace Exam Anxiety 

Dr. Mark discusses how many of us are haunted by something much scarier than the ghouls, witches and jack-o’-lanterns. Exams! Keep reading to find out how Dr.Mark can help you deal with exam jitters.

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4 min read
World Mental Health Day

As education shapes our view of the world should the changing realities of that world not shape our view of education?

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6 min read
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Criticism of Naomi Osaka is way out of bounds

Anyone who has experienced the Long Harsh Personal Winter of Depression would not for one moment doubt the veracity of Naomi Osaka’s admission that she is suffering with depression.

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3 min read
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Burnout is a wildfire

According to at least two new independent reports an alarming and rapidly increasing number of Australians are planning to change jobs.

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4 min read
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